Nadakalyani is a rāgam created by Mahesh Mahadev in Carnatic music (musical scale of South Indian classical music). It is a janya rāgam (derived scale) from the 65th melakarta scale Mechakalyani. It is a janya scale, as it does not have all the seven swaras (musical notes) in the ascending scale. Mahesh has named the equivalent of Nadakalyani in Hindustani music as Nad Kalyan. Nad Kalyan belongs to the Kalyan thaat of Hindustani music. The first composition in this raga is an ancient Sanskrit shloka Achyutam Keshavam written by Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara which is composed by Mahesh Mahadev and sung by Priyadarshini.
Structure and Lakshana
Nadakalyani is an asymmetric rāgam that does not contain Gandharam or dhaivatham in the ascending scale. It is an audava-sampurna rāgam (or owdava rāgam, meaning pentatonic ascending scale). Its ārohaṇa-avarohaṇa structure (ascending and descending scale) is as follows:
ārohaṇa : S R₂ M₂ P N₃ Ṡ
avarohaṇa : Ṡ N₃ D₂ P M₂ G₃ R₂ S
The notes used in this scale are shadjam, chathusruthi rishabham, prati madhyamam, panchamam and kakali nishadham in ascending scale, with antara gandharam, chathusruthi dhaivatham included in its descending scale.
IN HINDUSTANI MUSIC ( Raga is Named as Nada Kalyan)
Nada kalyani is named as Nada Kalyan in Hindustani Music. It is a asymmetric rāgam that does not contain Gandhar or dhaivath in the ascending scale. It is an audav-sampurn rāg (or owdav rāg, meaning pentatonic ascending scale). Its āroh-avaroh structure (ascending and descending scale) is as follows:
āroh : Sa Re Ma Pa Ni Sa
avaroh : Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Ri Sa
The notes used in this scale are Shadj, Shuddh Rishabh, Teevra Madhyam, pancham and Shuddh nishadh in ascending scale, Shuddh gandhar and Shuddh dhaivath included in descending scale.
Original Compositions
Achyutam Keshavam – music composed by Mahesh Mahadev and sung by Priyadarshini
Kaathyayani Varasuthane – music composed by Mahesh Mahadev
Srihari Hrudayanivasini Amba – written and omposed by Mahesh Mahadev