Mahesh Mahadev as a Lyricist
Mahesh Mahadev is a Lyricist working in the Indian Film & Music Industry who has penned many lyrics in various languages for movies and private albums. With a pen name ‘Sri Skanda’, he has penned lyrics for kritis, varnams, bandishes, thumris and bhajans in various languages for private albums, and devotional songs. His work is diverse, encompassing genres like patriotic, romantic, pathos, and title songs for international music projects. His contributions have undoubtedly made a significant impact on the Indian film and music landscape.
One of his notable achievements is being the first lyricist and composer to write lyrics and compose songs in Sanskrit language for Lord Mahadeshwara, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Moreover, penning shlokas in Sanskrit language on various divine deities further highlights his devotion and creativity.
He has an impressive portfolio, as he has written numerous translational lyrics for various private, promotional songs and movies. Demonstrating his versatility, he also works as a lyricist for other filmmakers and music composers.
Mahesh Mahadev as a Vaggeyakara
Mahesh Mahadev, under his pen name ‘Sri Skanda,’ has showcased his versatility as a lyricist by extending his talents beyond movie songs, spiritual, devotional, classical, Bhavgeeth and other music genres. He has ventured into the realm of Indian Classical Music, contributing lyrics for bandishes, thumris, and bhajans in Hindi. Mahesh has also penned and composed Carnatic Classical pieces such as Varnams, Kritis, and Tillanas, further enriching the cultural landscape with his creative expressions.
To view his lyrical works, click here